Having a processing plant for food, raw materials, or even recyclables means accuracy is key. Keeping the supplies organized based on contents, weight, and size can mean the difference between an efficient plant and a systematic nightmare.
In manufacturing and distribution centers, floor scales facilitate the weighing and measuring of ingredients, components, and products. These heavy-duty devices are designed to withstand the pressure of bulky and massive items being dragged or pushed across their surfaces throughout the day.
Load cells are used as a way to weight materials that are often found in industrial settings (metal, feed, lumber, etc.). They are incredibly sensitive and able to weight large amounts of product at a time with precision.
A torque wrench is used to accurately apply a specific amount of torque to a nut, bolt or other type of fastener.
Crane scales are used everyday in manufacturing, factory work, plants, and transportation. They are used to weigh loads, cargo, and other items before being transported or manufactured.
Rail scales are incredibly important to assure your cargo is precise and travels safely to its destination. Maintaining your rail scales properly can make them last for many years and work accurately.
A micro analytical balance is an incredibly sensitive balance that can measure the weight of minute and delicate objects. This balance is incredibly precise, down to the 0.1 milligrams and can measure everything from a feather to a fruit fly.
OHaus Corporation was founded in 1907 in Newark New Jersey and in 1912 Gustav and his son invented the Harvard Trip Balance.
An RTD probe is a sensor that measures temperature by comparing the resistance of the probe’s element with the object being measured.
When installing a new truck scale be sure to install it right the first time. Have a skilled team of technicians install the equipment and be sure the surrounding environment is as accommodating as possible.